غلامرضا شمس موركاني 3,498 بازدید بدون دیدگاه استاد گرامی جناب آقای غلامرضا شمس موركاني مرتبه علمی: استادیار گروه: گروه علوم تربيتي تلفن: 29902422 رایانامه gh_shams@sub.ac.ir آدرس: ولنجک- دانشگاه شهید بهشتی- دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی دانشگاه شهید بهشتی دانشکده روانشناسی و علوم تربیتی تحصیلات لیسانس مدیریت و برنامه ریزی آموزشی فوق لیسانس مدیریت آموزشی دکترای تخصصی (.(Ph.D مدیریت آموزشی 4. پسا دکتری، مدیریت آموزشی، انگلستان کتب علمي سوابق تدریس 1. دانشگاه اصفهان. 2. دانشگاه شهید بهشتی تهران. 3. دانشگاه قم. مقالات شمس، غلامرضا (1389). اثربخشی رهبری مدیران ایران و هندوستان: تأثیر جنسیت و نوع مدرسه. رویکردهای نوین آموزشی، 1 (11). شمس، غلامرضا (1389). بررسی تأثیر استراتژی مدیریت دانش بر عملکرد سازمانی. دوفصلنامه مدیریت و برنامه ریزی در نظام های آموزشی، 3 (4). شمس، غلامرضا (1389). مزایای آموزش و بهسازی برای افراد و تیم ها، سازمان ها و جامعه. ارائه شده در اولین همایش ملی مدیریت آموزش سازمانی، 11 و 12 اسفند ماه، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی، تهران. شمس، غلامرضا (1389). مدیریت آموزشی. تهران: انتشارات سیمای دانش. خانكا، اس. اس. (1389). رفتار سازماني. ترجمه غلامرضا شمس، تهران: انتشارات آييژ. شمس، غلامرضا (1386). سازمان مدرسه. تهران. Shams, G. (2011). Leadership Effectiveness of Principals in relation to School Organizational Climate. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN11), 4th-6th July, Barcelona, Spain. شمس، غلامرضا و لوسار، كارلوس (1389). ارزيابي ميداني مدل تعالي سازماني EFQM. چشم انداز مديريت دولتي، 1 (2). Shams, G. R. (2011). High school dropout and substance use. Paper presented at the ICERI 2011- International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 14th-16th, Madrid, Spain. شمس، غلامرضا (1390). بررسي ميزان كاربست مؤلفه هاي مدل تعالي سازماني EFQM در دانشگاه ها. چشم انداز مديريت دولتي، 2 (5)، صص. 132-115. (1390). برنامه ريزي درسي در آموزش فني و حرفه اي. ترجمه خلاقي، فتحي واجارگاه و شمس، تهران: انتشارات مدرسه. شمس، غلامرضا (1390). ضرورت و راهبردهاي تحول در علوم انساني. ارائه شده در دومين كنگره ملي علوم انساني، 15-14 ديماه، تهران. شمس، غ.ر. و زارعي، ع. (1390). بررسي رابطه بين عوامل سازماني با راهبردهاي مديريت دانش: مطالعه موردي. راهبرد ياس، شماره 27. قادري، س. و شمس، غ.ر. (1390). رابطه بين ادراك دبيران از عدالت سازماني و درگيري آنها در كار در دوره متوسطه. ارائه شده در اولين همايش ملي مديريت آموزشي در نظريه و عمل، 10 بهمن ماه، تهران. شمس، غلامرضا (1390). رابطه بين جو سازماني و توانمندسازي دبيران: يك مطالعه موردي. دوفصلنامه مديريت و برنامه ريزي در نظام هاي آموزشي، 4 (7). موسوي، س.ح.؛ طالبزاده، م. و شمس، غ.ر. (1390). بررسي رابطه هوش معنوي و رفتار شهروندي سازماني معلمان دبيرستان هاي شهرستان زنجان. فصلنامه روانشناسي تربيتي، 7 (22). شمس، غلامرضا (1391). ارزشيابي كيفيت در آموزش عالي: رويكردي تعالي مدار. تهران: انتشارات باور. گليكمن، كارل دي.؛ گوردون، استفن پي. و راس-گوردون، ژوويتا ام. (1391). نظارت و رهبري آموزشي: رويكردي تحولي. ترجمه غلامرضا شمس و محمود ابوالقاسمي، تهران: انتشارات دانشگاه شهيد بهشتي. Shams, G. (2009). Influence of Job-Values on Leadership Effectiveness of the Principals in Iran and India. Paper accepted for publication at the Journal of Educational and Psychological Research, Shahid Beheshti University. Shams, G. R. (2009). Leadership Effectiveness of Principals in Iran and India: Influence of Gender and School Management. Paper accepted for publication at the Journal of Educational and Psychological Research for publication. Shams, G. R. & Momeni Rad, A. (2010). Knowledge management practices and organizational performance in higher education institutes. Journal of Community Guidance & Research, 27 (2), pp. 161-181. Shams, G. (2009). Organizational Culture and Communication: The Impact on Employee Performance and Organizational Effectiveness. Paper accepted for publication at the International Journal of Business and Society (IJBS), Malaysia. Shams, G. R. (2007). Leadership Effectiveness of Principals in Iran and India. Journal of Community and Guidance Research, 24 (1). Shams, G. R. (2006). Organizational Climate in Schools. EDUTRACKS, 5 (8). Shams, G. R. (2006). Work Values of Boy’s and Girl’s Students under different Types of Management. Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, 31. Shams, G. R. (2006). Influence of Educational Background, Management Experience, and Area of Specialization on Job Values of Principals in Iran and India. Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, 32. Shams, G. R. (2006). The contemplative life and the teaching of the humanities. Teachers College Record, 108 (9). Shams, G. R. (2006). Job Values of Principals in Iran and India: Influence of Gender and School Management. Perspectives in Education, 11 (5). Shams, G. R. (2006). Values, Leadership and School Renewal. Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, 33. Shams, G. R. (2006). School Climate in Iran and India: Influence of Gender and School Management. Artha: Journal of Social Sciences, 5 (2). Shams, G. R. (2006). Influence of Professional Experience and Educational Qualification on School Organizational Climate in Iran and India. EDUTRACKS, 5 (11). Shams, G. R. (2005). Future Directions for the Study of Values and Educational Leadership. Artha: Journal of Social Sciences, 4 (2). Shams, G. R. (2004). Values in Management Education. EDUTRACKS, 4 (3). Shams, G. R. (2003). Investigation of the Causes of lack of Teachers’ Tendency to Research Activities. Research Index, Isfahan Education Organization, 2. Shams, G. R. (2009). Leadership Effectiveness of the Principals in Iran and India: Influence of Gender and School Management. Paper presented at the International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS), 10-13 September, Izmir, Turkey. Shams, G. R. (2011). Information Management and the Role of Information and Knowledge Managers: Managers’ Perception. Paper presented at the ICERI 2011- International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 14th-16th, Madrid, Spain. Hoveida, R; Shams, G.R.; & Hooshmand, A. (2008). Knowledge management practices in higher education institutes. Paper presented in the Third IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), November 13-16, London, UK. Shams, G. R. (2008). Leadership in Muslim’s Institutions of Higher Education. Paper presented in International Conference on Higher Education in the Muslim World: Challenges and Prospects, 24th & 25th March, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Shams, G. R. (2008). How can institutions of higher education in the Muslim world achieve quality within the new economy? Paper presented in International Conference on Higher Education in the Muslim World: Challenges and Prospects, 24th & 25th March, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Shams, G. R. (2008). Quality requirements for teacher educators in the Muslim world. Paper presented in the International Conference on Teacher Education in the Muslim World (ICTEM), 14th – 16th July, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Shams, G. R. (2008). The teacher educator as a role model: Lessons for the Muslim countries. Paper presented in the International Conference on Teacher Education in the Muslim World (ICTEM), 14th – 16th July, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Shams, G. R. (2008). In search of the essence of a good teacher: towards a more holistic approach in teacher education. Paper presented in the International Conference on Teacher Education in the Muslim World (ICTEM), 14th – 16th July, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Shams, G. R. (2008). Knowledge management practices in higher education institutes: A different approach. Paper presented in the 5th International GIAN Symposium-cum-Workshop on Knowledge Management and Innovation in Higher Education, 24-26 August, Tehran, Iran. Shams, G. R. (2008). Information management and the role of information and knowledge managers: Managers’ perception. Paper presented at the Third IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), November 13-16, London, UK. Shams, G. R. (2006). Quality Education of Learning Society: The Role of Information Technology. Paper presented in ICSSR Sponsored International Conference on Socially Relevant Higher Education in India (SRHEI), 21, 22 & 23, February, Tamil Nadu, India. Shams, G. R. (2006). Investigation of the Causes of Lack of Teachers’ Tendency to Research Activities. Paper presented in National Conference on Recent Trends in Research, 6th & 7th April, Tamil Nadu, India. Shams, G. R. (2006). The Web as a Tool for Research. Paper presented in National Conference on Recent Trends in Research, 6th & 7th April, Tamil Nadu, India. Shams, G. R. (2006). Higher Education in India: Challenges, Excellence and Future. Paper presented in Fifth Annual Seminar of Iranian Students in India, Comparison of Higher Education in Iran & India, 3rd March, Chandigarh, India. Shams, G. R. (2004). Aging in India: Care Giver Issues, Long Term Care. Paper presented in National Conference on Aging & Development, 13th & 14th August, Bangalore, India. Shams, G. R. (2004). Aging in India: Planning Legal Services. Paper presented in National Conference on Aging & Development, 13th & 14th August, Bangalore, India. Shams, G. R. (2008). Transformational and Transactional Leadership Predictors of the ‘Stimulant’ Determinants to Creativity in Organizational Work Environments. Paper presented in the Regional Conference on Relationship between Leadership Styles and Creativity, 6th March (16/12/1386), Shahr-e-Kord. Shams, G. R. (2007). School Culture: Exploring Hidden Curriculum. Paper presented in Provincial Conference on Hidden Curriculum, 26th December, Shahr-e-Kord, Iran. تهیه شده توسط شبکه آموزشی ، پژوهشی مادسیج منبع: سایت دانشگاه شهید بهشتی اطلاعات خود را درباره این استاد می توانید در قسمت نظرات وارد کنید نظرت درباره این استاد چیه؟