دانلود کتاب صوتی The Secret Garden قسمت ششم 1,915 بازدید بدون دیدگاه دانلود کتاب صوتی The Secret Garden کتاب های داستان صوتی یا همان Audio book ها یکی دیگر از شیوه های یادگیری و آموزش زبان انگلیسی است. در ادامه معرفی منابع مناسب برای یادگیری زبان انگلیسی کتاب داستانی صوتی راز باغ یا The Secret Garden را برای شما انتخاب کرده ایم، کتاب صوتی The Secret Garden بیست و هفت قسمت دارد که در هر پست قسمتی از کتاب را در اختیارتان قرار می دهیم. برای یادگیری بهتر فایل PDF متن هر قسمت از داستان را نیز قرار داده ایم. لازم به توضیح است که کتاب صوتی The Secret Garden با لهجه بریتانیایی است و خیلی آرام هم داستان را قرائت کرده اند. این کتاب صوتی برای تقویت مهارت Listening نیز خیلی مناسب است مخصوصا برای آزمون آیلتس، چرا که در این آزمون بیشتر از لهجه بریتانیایی استفاده شده است. کتاب صوتی The Secret garden در زیر قسمتی از متن داستان صوتی The Secret Garden را مشاهده میکنید: The next day the rain poured down in torrents again, and when Mary looked out of her window the moor was almost hidden by gray mist and cloud. There could be no going out today. “What do you do in your cottage when it rains like this?” she asked Martha. “Try to keep from under each other’s feet mostly,” Martha answered. “Eh! there does seem a lot of us then. Mother’s a good-tempered woman but she gets fair moithered. The biggest ones goes out in th’ cow-shed and plays there. Dickon he doesn’t mind th’ wet. He goes out just th’ same as if th’ sun was shinin’. He says he sees things on rainy days as doesn’t show when it’s fair weather. He once found a little fox cub half drowned in its hole and he brought it home in th’ bosom of his shirt to keep it warm. Its mother had been killed nearby an’ th’ hole was swum out an’ th’ rest o’ th’ litter was dead. He’s got it at home now. He found a half-drowned young crow another time an’ he brought it home, too, an’ tamed it. It’s named Soot because it’s so black, an’ it hops an’ flies about with him everywhere.” The time had come when Mary had forgotten to resent Martha’s familiar talk. She had even begun to find it interesting and to be sorry when she stopped or went away. The stories she had been told by her Ayah when she lived in India had been quite unlike those Martha had to tell about the moorland cottage which held fourteen people who lived in four little rooms and never had quite enough to eat. The children seemed to tumble about and amuse themselves like a litter of rough, good-natured collie puppies. Mary was most attracted by the mother and Dickon. When Martha told stories of what “mother” said or did they always sounded comfortable. ادامه داستان را در فایل صوتی و PDF بشنوید و مطالعه کنید. عنوان فایل: دانلود کتاب صوتی The Secret Garden قسمت ششم نوع فایل ها: PDF, MP3 حجم فایل ها: ۱۷ MB لینک دانلود فایل PDF متن داستان لینک دانلود فایل صوتی کتاب داستان The Secret Garden