دانلود کتاب صوتی The Secret Garden قسمت هشتم 1,872 بازدید بدون دیدگاه دانلود کتاب صوتی The Secret Garden کتاب های داستان صوتی یا همان Audio book ها یکی دیگر از شیوه های یادگیری و آموزش زبان انگلیسی است. در ادامه معرفی منابع مناسب برای یادگیری زبان انگلیسی کتاب داستانی صوتی راز باغ یا The Secret Garden را برای شما انتخاب کرده ایم، کتاب صوتی The Secret Garden بیست و هفت قسمت دارد که در هر پست قسمتی از کتاب را در اختیارتان قرار می دهیم. برای یادگیری بهتر فایل PDF متن هر قسمت از داستان را نیز قرار داده ایم. لازم به توضیح است که کتاب صوتی The Secret Garden با لهجه بریتانیایی است و خیلی آرام هم داستان را قرائت کرده اند. این کتاب صوتی برای تقویت مهارت Listening نیز خیلی مناسب است مخصوصا برای آزمون آیلتس، چرا که در این آزمون بیشتر از لهجه بریتانیایی استفاده شده است. کتاب صوتی The Secret garden در زیر قسمتی از متن داستان صوتی The Secret Garden را مشاهده میکنید: She looked at the key quite a long time. She turned it over and over, and thought about it. As I have said before, she was not a child who had been trained to ask permission or consult her elders about things. All she thought about the key was that if it was the key to the closed garden, and she could find out where the door was, she could perhaps open it and see what was inside the walls, and what had happened to the old rose-trees. It was because it had been shut up so long that she wanted to see it. It seemed as if it must be different from other places and that something strange must have happened to it during ten years. Besides that, if she liked it she could go into it every day and shut the door behind her, and she could make up some play of her own and play it quite alone, because nobody would ever know where she was, but would think the door was still locked and the key buried in the earth. The thought of that pleased her very much. Living as it were, all by herself in a house with a hundred mysteriously closed rooms and having nothing whatever to do to amuse herself, had set her inactive brain to working and was actually awakening her imagination. There is no doubt that the fresh, strong, pure air from the moor had a great deal to do with it. Just as it had given her an appetite, and fighting with the wind had stirred her blood, so the same things had stirred her mind. In India she had always been too hot and languid and weak to care much about anything, but in this place she was beginning to care and to want to do new things. Already she felt less “contrary,” though she did not know why. ادامه داستان را در فایل صوتی و PDF بشنوید و مطالعه کنید. عنوان فایل: دانلود کتاب صوتی The Secret Garden قسمت هشتم نوع فایل ها: PDF, MP3 حجم فایل ها: 19 MB لینک دانلود فایل PDF متن داستان لینک دانلود فایل صوتی کتاب داستان The Secret Garden